
Dedicating time to your health is what makes the difference.

Klayr Hunter exceptional healthcare quote

“Exceptional healthcare is wanting the absolute best for you.”

- Klayr Hunter

Why book a consultation with Klayr Hunter?

A consultation gives you time and space to feel comfortable and confident in explaining your health concerns. Spending time on your health is key to knowing why certain symptoms arise and often provides clues on how to resolve them. 

Dedicating time to understanding your specific set of health struggles allows us to formulate a treatment strategy together and help you get back to feeling your best.

What does a consultation involve?

An initial consultation lasts up to 60 minutes, during which you will be asked about your symptoms, current medications, allergies and past medical history.

Klayr will ask you lots of questions about your health, getting to know you and understanding what has happened to create an issue with ill health or imbalance. The consultation is completely private and are conducted by video call.

What happens after a consultation?

Depending on your needs, you will be given enough medicine (usually between 2-4 weeks supply) before returning for a progress review.

After your consultation a herbal prescription will be formulated specifically for your physical symptoms, emotional requirements and constitution. 

Prescriptions are usually given as liquid tinctures but other preparations (such as teas and creams) are also prescribed. They are dispensed within one week following your consultation and posted directly to you.

A review consultation lasts up to 45 minutes and provides an opportunity to adapt your prescription as your health evolves.  

“I have spent over 20 years in the natural health industry, over a decade working as a medical herbalist, and seen thousands of patients. I have seen what works and what doesn’t.  Herbal medicines are incredibly powerful at restoring health.”

— Klayr Hunter

Klayr Hunter apothecary and plant medicine

Plant Medicines

The quality of medicines are particularly important for their therapeutic benefit.  Klayr carefully chooses organic and bio-dynamically produced medicines wherever possible. These methods produce the most effective medicines, avoiding harmful chemicals and helps support our delicate ecosystems.

Do you have any questions about booking a consultation or taking herbal medicines?